Orientation to Mentoring

This work is meant to help you find deep self-understanding and integrity between your insight and your actions. We begin by highlighting your motivation for working together, even if your motivation is a vague or nebulous feeling. Putting attention on what you're looking for helps establish mutual respect and trust.  Over time, our conversations will evolve organically, dependent on you're interests and needs.  This work is very personalized, so many different types of practices, reflections, and topics for dialogue may be helpful.  I won't superimpose ideals on you, my intention is to continually learn about who you are and are becoming.  I want you to be satisfied with the degree that you are answering your questions, coming up with new ones, and answering those as well.  If you are feeling secure, challenged, useful, and honest we are probably on the right track.


Let me know if you'd like to work together.