My name is Zach Schlosser. During college at Brown University I studied comparative mysticism and Buddhist meditation because I was looking for a better, more magical way of living and liked Buddhism’s clear focus on what I thought was most important: our own and others’ happiness. Since then, Buddhist and other contemplative practices have continued to have a significant influence on me, as have more materially-oriented movements like Effective Altruism, which helps people make decisions about how to best spend their time and money so that they have the most positive possible impact on the future.


I'm currently starting The School for the Future, an online training ground for effective, 21st century activism, entrepreneurship, and self-development. Before this I was a meditation teacher, educator, and co-founder of Numina, a leadership development technology company.

My medium essays focus on the intersections of technology and contemplative practice. This is my personal blog ranges more widely through poetry, process philosophy, certainty/uncertainty, suffering, utopia, organizational change, and musings on the infinite.


Follow me on Twitter or email me at zacharyschlosser[at]gmail[dot]com.